Lion Ministries International (L.M.I.), is the 501c3 non-profit ministry of co-founders Dr. David & Diane Lion.
L.M.I. is an Interdenominational Ministry which exists to serve the Body of Christ and its Leadership through a diversity of "Ministry Choices" known as "The Lion Group ". Because ... "From A Diversity Of Experience Comes A Diversity Of Ministries".
THE LION GROUP is a collection of individual ministries which function under the corporate covering of L.M.I. (Lion Ministries International). David & Diane utilize the venues of both "Multi-Media" and "Live In Person Events" in order to Inform, Instruct, Encourage and Equip the Body of Christ both Localy and Internationaly.
Marriage Advances, Mens Events, Woman's Events, Prayer Summits, Keynote Addresses, VIPSeminars, God Encounters, Staff Training, Ministry/Church Consulting, Banquet Speakers, Staff Appreciations, Topic Specific, Conflict Resolution and much more.
*VIP Seminars *Online International Christian Leadership Summits *Church/Ministry Consulting *Individual Personal Potential Coachiing *Free Online Studies *Social Media Postings *Blogs *Interviews & Much More
**Friday Night: **
Discovering Your Purpose In Life **Saturday AM**
How To Recruit New Volunteers
How To Incorporate New Volunteers
How To Train New Volunteers
How To Motivate New Volunteers
& More
**Saturday PM**
Dr. Lion will meet with your entire paid & volunteer staff for a "Success Meeting".
During this time final Preperation & Prayer will
**Friday Night: **
Discovering Your Purpose In Life **Saturday AM**
How To Recruit New Volunteers
How To Incorporate New Volunteers
How To Train New Volunteers
How To Motivate New Volunteers
& More
**Saturday PM**
Dr. Lion will meet with your entire paid & volunteer staff for a "Success Meeting".
During this time final Preperation & Prayer will occure before the arrival of Sunday's New Volunteers.
**Sunday AM**
followed by a Christian Workers Altar Call.
Join Dr. Lion and other Christian Leaders from around the world at our next INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT.
Via Zoom Technology You Will Receive :
*An Informative and Encouraging Word from God.
*Insights from Guest Ministers who are experts in their field.
* Q & A Time.
*Networking Opportunities.
*Fellowship amongst Peers
& Much More
Forever Beautiful discusses the necessity for both Inner and Outer Beauty, offering many Biblical Insights and Practical Tips to pull out The True You.
Diane is a Certified Constitutional Coach, who offers rich insights into both America's Christian HIStory, and the Word of God. How can you understand where your going if you don't know where you came from? Best taught indepth in a Seminar, or a special Overview Address.
*Ministery Biographies *Picture Gallery *Free Gift *Endorsements *Messages *Free Studies *Contact Info.
Besides a great grace from God to call out the greatness in individuals and organizations, Dr. Lion also possess a:
Besides a great grace from God to call out the greatness in individuals and organizations, Dr. Lion also possess a:
Additionally, Dr. Lion has studied abroad in the Middle East, Europe, and North America gathering rich insights into Biblical Contexts, and Practical Applications of the word of God.
Dr. Lion has:
* Pastored for over Three-Decades in both Rural and Urban settings.
*Planted Churches both Nationally and Internationally.
* Founded Accredited Bible Training Sites.
*Developed Curriculums for Colleges and Churches.
*Authored Books.
* Raised several Millions of Dollars for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
* Overseen both Churches and Pastors serving as "A Pastor To Pastors".
*Moderated International Leadership Events.
*Chaired & Served on Various Boards consisting of National Broadcasting Corporations, State Universities, City Counsel, and Corporate America.
*Delivered Keynote Addresses at Crusades, Conferences and Leadership Gatherings in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, and South America.
*Has had the honor of being Mentored by, and Fellowshipping with, several Prominent and Historic Ministers of the Gospel
*Hosted Christian Television and Radio Productions documenting over nine-hundred answers to prayer, via miraculous interventions of God, as conveyed in part in Dr. Lion's Free eBook...
"ADVENTURES IN GOD", his love gift to you, available at this website.
Diane Lion has a rich background in Education, which majors in both American History and Non-Partisan Journalism. She has given several presentations via her "Let Liberty Ring" addresses, and "HIS-story" broadcasts, both of which outline the historic founding of a Christian America.
She is a former Staff Member of the renowned Moody Rad
Diane Lion has a rich background in Education, which majors in both American History and Non-Partisan Journalism. She has given several presentations via her "Let Liberty Ring" addresses, and "HIS-story" broadcasts, both of which outline the historic founding of a Christian America.
She is a former Staff Member of the renowned Moody Radio Broadcast Network, Chicago, Illinois, and has traveled Internationally and ministered extensively with Vision Beyond Borders .
Diane has also been a pioneer with respect to Evangelizing our American Universities International Students, has addressed the issues of poverty via her personal involvement with Christian Community Foodbanks, and has been a driving force behind her Communities Outreaches to At Risk Children and Youth.
With a heart for Single Mothers Diane has also Founded - Single Success which emphasizes both Spiritual and Practical Applications to Single Mother Parenting.
Diane's Christ like Character and compassion, cause all that are around her to want to be more like Jesus.
She is above all a Woman of Prayer producing a force which proceeds all that she undertakes with the Presence and Power of God.
When she is not in prayer, studying, ministering, serving family, members of the body of Christ, or her community, Diane enjoys instructing Water Aquacise Classes where she is a Certified Instructor.
A Brief Video Promo of "Adventures In God" .
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"Let Another Man's Lips Praise Thee And Not Thine Own Mouth" - Proverbs 27:2
Dr. Lion, I am so glad for your leadership in the World Harvest Church Ministerial Fellowship. Thank you for your prayers and all that you do for this ministry as an Area Director, you are making such an awesome impact – Thank You!
- Pastor/Dr. Rod Parsley .
World Harvest Church & The Breakthrough Television Broadcast .
Dr. Lion, congratulations for your vision, diligence, and your victory! Dr. Paul Crouch and the Trinity Broadcast Network are proud of you. Under your leadership you have taken on one of the largest cable companies in America who has a reputation for not carrying Christian programing and you have won – it truly is a miracle. During our time of working with you we have come to know not only your love and sweetness of spirit but have also witnessed your zeal, great faith and boldness of vision. Now your community and surrounding region will have a Christian witness 24/7, the bottom line is souls as that is Paul Crouch’s heart and apparently your heart as well. God Bless you and well done.
- Dr. Paul Crouch
c/o Joyce Krupansky, Manager-TBN Cable
Since our inaugural start with approximately twenty four clergy members, Dr. Lion has proven to be an exceptional leader who has brought tremendous value, input, and growth to the development of A.O.C.I. From within a few short years of our initial memberships Dr. Lion’s guidance and diligent efforts have produced an almost supernatural growth adding over twelve-hundred additional Clergy in over two hundred countries of the world. His ethics, morals, and integrity are exceptional as he has excelled in these character qualities. He is the type of leader who truly loves people of all ages and nationalities which is very evident to all who have the pleasure of knowing and observing him. Regarding working within a team environment and demonstrating expertise in the area of non-profit functions, organizational growth, fundraising, leadership development and above all evangelism and Christian growth, Dr. Lion is second to none. Dr. Lion is detailed oriented, a team player, a subject matter expert who is able to divide biblical truths with astounding insight and practical application. He has clearly demonstrated and exemplified exemplary leadership qualities both in and out of the circles of his peers and co-workers and so it is with great excitement, joy, and passion, that I do wholeheartedly recommend Dr. David G Lion in any capacity of leadership to you and your organization.
- Dr. Henry Vazquez / President-Founder Association of Clergy International
Greetings from Mindanao Philippines. Dr. Lion, I and other Christian Leaders have been regularly gathering to listen to your anointed and powerful messages. As we gather we can really feel and almost taste the presence of God in our midst. Your Spirit guided messages have touched our hearts and enlightened our minds causing us to remain faithful and diligent in the work of the gospel.
Following one of your messages we conducted fifteen days of collective research and study and we have come to accept the Bible truths that you teach in your church in America which we shall now also teach here to those in our churches in the Philippines.
- Rev. Ray & Naty Ombao.
Native Pastors & Missionary Society
Mindanao Philippines
Pastor Lion, since you have come to pastor our church my wife and I have been amazed at the Christ-like character that you displayed no matter if you think people are watching or not. Your love for people is contagious and we have seen it penetrate the deepest hurts and melt the hardest of hearts. Thank you for not only taking the time to pursue us when we were not in church attendance, but for also honing the potential that you see in as individuals and as a couple. Your years of experience and passion in Christ are being transferred to us and we thank you for your dedication to study and teaching. Every time the church doors are open we feels as though we are sitting at a banquet table prepared by the Holy Spirit and delivered by a tried and true man of God. Thank You for coming and answering God’s call to our hearts.
- James & Josette.
Ohio, USA.
Pastor we just wanted to tell you that the youth of the church appreciate you. You’ve made places in the church for the children, the youth, and even the adults, where now we want to hang out and bring our friends.
Most importantly you are on fire for God and your zeal is spreading as more and more people are coming and getting involved here at the church.
You’ve got a good heart and we just wanted to say thanks for coming to our church.
- Various Youth Sentiments
Filmed by and for TCT Television
Dr. Lion is at home ministering amidst all genres of music and people
"One Of Your Most Valuable Assets Is Your Undiscovered And Undeveloped Potential " - Dr. Lion.
First, Then and After that are Spiritual Principles which must be understood.
Do you see your Marriage Relationship as a Ministry? You may want to grab your Spouse and your Coffee and join Diane & David in this insightful conversation.
Diane Lion knows what it means to partner with God. As a single Mother of three small boys she learnt what it means to walk by faith and get results .
Researched & Composed By Dr. Lion.
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